Monday, September 15, 2008


I have officially let myself cool down for the past 24 hours and then realized that my blog is about why not release my remaining frustration into the black hole of the internet. 

Today is September 15th.
Yesterday marked the day that I received my 3rd macbook within the last month. 

After having to return my first computer due to a broken camera, not to mention that I was already having HUGE buyers remorse after looking at my credit card bill...I was already a little frustrated with Mac...but I have heard great things about these "wonderful" computers, so I let it slide. 

For 9 days I enjoyed my 2nd macbook. On Sunday, while working on my beloved Old Testament Themes paper from HELL, #2 decided to beep at me and make new, uncontrollable art all over the screen. I called the IT guy. The foreigner was useless...he told me to take the battery out and then put it back Forget Vanguard...I am going to quit and take his job, that can't be that hard.  And not the proudest moment of my life followed this. But my roommates and I decided to mark this memorable day in history....I preceded to throw my phone and drop a profane word for the first time in my life, that opposed to what my mom told me my whole life does not help the situation, did aid in releasing some steam...

I thought that anyone that got in my way at the mac store, might be killed by my rage, so I brought Max. And of course, I would get the world's nicest girl at the store who was super-duper sorry...blah. 

Needless to say. #3 better treat me well....

who ever said that Macs were better that PC ??? 

if you know that person, we need to have a little conversation....

1 comment:

catherinecarmen said...

mark it on your calendar ladies and gents, Nicole dropped an F bomb